Our ministries


Missional Ministries

INCC  has formed Missional Ministries as part of our commitment to being a good neighbor. INCC Missional Ministries partners with local community organizations, who are already doing great work within and around Irving and Dallas County, to address the needs of our Irving community. Such partnerships include, ICAN (Irving Community Action Network), the City of Irving Committee on Disabilities, and various other non-profits. Our Missional Ministry team helps to make service accessible for our entire congregation and provides volunteer opportunities that combine individuals  talents with our dedication to sharing love for all.

Additionally, Missional Ministries works to address our congregational needs. The team works to care for our congregation by providing meals and communion to congregants who are unable to attend church in person; sending birthday cards, Christmas cards and Easter cards to all members; delivering ‘goodie baskets’ to members to help with Christmas and Easter celebrations,including hymnals, prayers, Bible verses, devotionals and candy (especially during the pandemic!); going out to lunch monthly for fellowship and fun.

Contact us by clicking “Get Involved” to learn more!


Disciples Crossing

Established in 1947, Disciples Crossing is located in Athens, Texas, deep in the woods. It was created as a place of sanctuary and retreat, used as a camp for many Disciples churches. It is a place of rest, renewal, fellowship and spiritual retreat, and a great place to reconnect with nature and one’s Christianity. INCC has a long tradition of ensuring that any child or youth who wants to experience summer camp gets the opportunity to spend time at this retreat.

For more information on Disciples Crossing check out their website: https://www.disciplescrossing.org


Quarterly Ministries

Another Jewish teacher (Rabbi Tarfon) once wrote, “It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.” Quarterly Ministries is our attempt to learn more about the work that is needed in our community and practice meeting those needs. Every quarter we focus on a specific issue that is impacting our community e.g., homelessness, food insecurity, LGBTQIA+ rights, Disability rights etc. For three months at a time we incorporate one issue throughout our worship, study, reflection, fellowship, and service. Each quarterly ministry is divided into sections of engagement (immediate care, advocacy, and justice) so that our whole congregation can participate in learning and serving.

The specific issues we will focus on were picked by the congregation. Annually we do a survey to determine what community issues are on people’s hearts and minds. The congregation is asked where they see our congregation making a difference as well as where they would be willing to commit time, talents, or treasures.


CURRENT quarterly ministry

Through our annual survey, we received many responses about helping our homeless and housing insecure siblings in Irving. By partnering with ICAN (the Irving Community Action Network) we are able to both support an organization already doing important work around eliminating homelessness in Irving and listen to people who are either currently homeless or have been homeless previously. In all our work, we want to listen to people who are actually impacted by the quarterly ministry so that our care is appropriate and holistic. We will spend Fall 2021 learning about the root causes of homelessness, why homelessness is a spiritual issue, and receiving stories from our neighbors about their experiences being homeless. Additionally, we will work to support ICAN’s outreach efforts and work with our Irving City Council to bring faith voices and perspectives into council decisions.

Contact us by clicking “Get Involved” to learn more.